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Mt. Abram Path
State: ME

Mt. Abram Path Details
Also Known As:
Location: Oxford Hills
Peak: Mt. Abram
Reason Closed:
Guidebook Descriptions:
1881 The White Mountains: A Handbook for Travelers
177. Mount Abram
is a picturesque elevation near Bethel, on the edge of the Androscoggin Valley. It is easily reached from the village, by a drive of 3 1/4 M.; and the ascent from the road is 3/4 M. long.

1948 AMC White Mountain Guide
Mount Abram (1,960 ft.)
Mt. Abram in Greenwood, Me., is about 1 ½ m. in a SW direction from Locke Mills Station on the Grand Trunk R.R., from which it can be climbed by two routes, viz.: by passing directly SSW through the woods to the summit, or by going S along the road to Greenwood for 2 m. to Twitchell Pond and striking W up steep wooded slopes.
The best route, however, is from Bethel. From the village take the road SE over Paradise Hill. Avoid the first branching of the road, marked Locke’s Mills. At the second, take the E for which, at 3 ½ m. to 4 m. from Bethel, reaches the Harrington Farm high on the W slope of the mountain. From the farm the way leads NE for a few hundred feet, then E through a clear pasture and over ledges for perhaps 2/3 m. to the summit. The top is wooded, but with ledges affording views of the Mount Washington and Carter-Moriah Ranges and of the Border peaks.

1961 AMC Maine Mountain Guide
Mt. Abram in Greenwood affords interesting views to the N and W from high pastures and ledges. A ski development has been opened (1960) on the NE slope of the mountain but does not reach the route described here.
Take a dirt road diverging E from Me. 35 about 3 m. S of Bethel and about ¼ m. N of the Albany-Greenwood line. About 1 m. beyond take L fork to the farm of B. L. Harrington high on the W slope of the mountain. A road bears R just before this farm and continues for 1/8 m. higher to the renovated building of the old Harrington homestead. From the N end of this building walk N across an open field bearing R. The trail starts up the slope in about 1/8 m. After crossing a small brook at the edge of the woods a well defined trail leads to a blue-berry clearing. Head SW across the field to an indistinct logging road which bears S to a lumbered area. Beyond the slash area to the E is a rocky outcrop of ledges which leads S to a cairn on the ledge just W of the summit.
Distance. Parking place to summit 1 m. (1 hr.). 

Last updated 2011-08-25
Disclaimer: Data provided for academic and historical purposes only. Respect all signs.

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