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Chocorua East Ski Trail
State: NH
The Chocorua East Ski Trail ran from the vicinity of the Jim Liberty Cabin to the Weetamoo Trail.

Chocorua East Ski Trail Details
Also Known As:
Location: White Mountains - Chocorua
Peak: Mt. Chocorua
Opened: 1934
Closed: Circa 1941
Reason Closed: Possibly due to lack of maintenance
Guidebook Descriptions:
1934 AMC White Mountain Guide
Chocorua East Ski Trail.
This wide steep cut in the forest along the side of the prominent Bald Mt. ridge affords an alternate tramper's route from Wing's Tavern to the summit of Chocorua via Jim Liberty Shelter. It is, in the main, a high-speed ski run. It diverges from the Weetamoo Trail where the latter turns L. away from the Chocorua River valley, continues near the W. bank for another 1/2 m., follows a small tributary a short distance and then slabs the mountain side. It ascends at first gently, then more and more steeply to the final 34-degree pitch, which brings the route out on the sharp knoll 1/3 m. below Jim Liberty Shelter and about 20 yds. E. along the original Liberty Trail from the top of the new Liberty Ski Route, which avoids a steep section of the foot trail. The lower 1 1/2 m., which has very gentle grades, is, with 10 inches of snow, a novice ski run: the upper 1 1/4 m. requires 24 inches of snow, and is for experts only.
Distances. Wing's Tavern to divergence at Weetamoo Trail 3/4 m.; to Liberty Trail 2 3/4 m.; to summit via Liberty Trail 3 1/2 m.

1941 Tamworth Outing Club Brochure
CHOCORUA TRAIL: Not recommended. Length 2.75 miles, width 25'-50', vertical descent 2100', max grade 34. Snow needed, 24" at top, 8"-10" lower. Expert. 
1934 AMC map of Mt. Chocorua
1934 AMC map of Mt. Chocorua

1940 AMC map of Mt. Chocorua
1940 AMC map of Mt. Chocorua

  • Mt. Chocorua - New England's Alpine CCC Ski Trails -
  • Last updated 2011-08-19
    Disclaimer: Data provided for academic and historical purposes only. Respect all signs.

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