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Intervale Path
State: NH
The Intervale Path ran below the Bartlett Path to the present day Kearsarge North Trail.

Intervale Path Details
Also Known As:
Location: White Mountains - East
Peak: Bartlett Mountain
Closed: 1940s
Reason Closed:
Guidebook Descriptions:
1931 AMC White Mountain Guide
Intervale Path. (I.I.S.)
This path is shady except across the ledges, has easy grades and good views. It is well marked by signs, cairns and white paint, and is in good condition.
The path begins at the Intervale railroad station, leads through the Cathedral Woods, past the Wizard Birch, across the road and along the Mt. Surprise Path to a fork in the path opposite a large beech tree (sign). It proceeds to the L. and straight up the slope of Mt. Bartlett, soon passing between the two large boulders, and a little later crosses a ravine just before reaching the first ledge. Here there is a fine view. The path continues up the ledges and around the E. shoulder of Mt. Bartlett. It then passes along the S. side of the saddle between Mts. Bartlett and Kearsarge to join the Kearsarge Village Path about 30 min. from the summit. The highest point in the path is about 250 ft. below the summit of Mt. Bartlett, from whose ledgy top there is a fine view to the N. It is easily reached by striking through the woods without trail.
Distances. To first ledge 1 m. (1 hr.); to Kearsarge Village Path 3 m. (3 hrs.); to summit 3 5/8 m. (3 hrs. 30 min.).
In descending one must keep to the R at the junction with the Bartlett and Intervale Paths, shortly before reaching the level of the saddle.

1934 AMC White Mountain Guide
Intervale Path. (I.I.S.)
This path is shady except across the ledges, has easy grades and good views. It is well marked by signs, cairns and white paint, and is in good condition.
The path begins at the Intervale railroad station, leads through the Cathedral Woods, past the Wizard Birch, across the road and along the Mt. Surprise Path to a fork in the path opposite a large beech tree (sign). It proceeds to the L. and straight up the slope of Mt. Bartlett, soon passing between two large boulders, and a little later crosses a ravine just before reaching the first ledge. Here there is a fine view. The path continues up the ledges and around the E. shoulder of Mt. Bartlett. It then passes along the S. side of the saddle between Mts. Bartlett and Kearsarge to join the Kearsarge Village Path about 30 min. from the summit. The highest point on the path is about 250 ft. below the summit of Mt. Bartlett, whose ledgy top is easily reached without trail.
Distances. To first ledge 1 m. (1 hr.); to Kearsarge Village Path 3 m. (3 hrs.); to summit 3 5/8 m. (3 hrs. 30 min.).
In descending, one must keep to the R. at the junction with the Bartlett and Intervale Paths, shortly before reaching the level of the saddle.

1940 AMC White Mountain Guide
Intervale Path (IIS)
This path, shady except across the ledges, has easy grades and good views. It is well marked by signs, cairns and white paint.
The path begins opposite the Intervale RR station, leads through the Cathedral Woods and follows the Mt. Surprise Path across the road to a fork opposite a large beech trail (sign). It proceeds to the L and straight up the slope of Mt. Bartlett, soon passing between two large boulders, and a little later crosses a ravine just before reaching the first ledge. Here there is a fine view. The path continues up the ledges and around the E shoulder of Mt. Bartlett. It then passes along the S side of the saddle between Mts. Bartlett and Kearsarge to join the Kearsarge Village Path about 30 min. from the summit. The highest point in the path is about 250 ft. below the summit of Mt. Bartlett, whose ledgy top is easily reached.
Distances. To first ledge 1 m. (1 hr.); to Kearsarge Village Path 3 m. (3 hrs.); to summit 3 5/8 m. (3 hrs. 30 min.).
In descending one must keep to the R at the junction with the Bartlett and Intervale Paths, shortly before reaching the level of the saddle.

1948 AMC White Mountain Guide
[Mt. Pequawket Trail]
On the ledges, ½ m. beyond the spring and just above the saddle between Mts. Pequawket and Bartlett, the abandoned Intervale and Bartlett Paths come in together on the L, also the Maple Villa No. 5 Trail, leading to Lower Bartlett.

1934 AMC map of Bartlett Mountain
1934 AMC map of Bartlett Mountain

1940 AMC map of Bartlett Mountain
1940 AMC map of Bartlett Mountain

Last updated 2011-08-28
Disclaimer: Data provided for academic and historical purposes only. Respect all signs.

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