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Waterville Gap Trail
State: NH
The Waterville Gap Trail was the precursor to the completion of Tripoli Road.

Waterville Gap Trail Details
Also Known As:
Location: White Mountains - Waterville
Closed: 1930s
Reason Closed: Replaced by Tripoli Road
Guidebook Descriptions:
1931 AMC White Mountain Guide
Waterville Gap Trail. (U.S.F.S.)
In walking from North Woodstock, take the first (now abandoned) road S. of the Mountain Park Hotel, bearing E. about 1/8 m. until the Tripoli Road is reached. If riding, turn L. at E.E. Woodbury’s house. Autos can go about 6 m. Follow this road to the L. About 1 ½ m. from the point of striking the road a camp is passed, near which a trestle has been destroyed, though there is a bridge beyond it over the stream. At about 3 m. a spring is passed at the L. and then another camp. When the old road turns at right angles L. towards the Tripoli mill the better road must be followed straight ahead. This soon passes another abandoned camp (near which turn L. from Mt. Osceola). A foot-path continues R. over height-of-land, where it turns sharply to the L., and in about ½ m. strikes the headwaters of the West Branch of Mad River. In 1 ½ m. the trail passes another camp which is near the foot of the W.A.I.A. Osceola Trail. Beyond this point the way is over the W.A.I.A. Osceola Trail, reaching Waterville in about 1 2/3 m.
Distances. North Woodstock to point of leaving highway 3 m.; to Tripoli Road 3 1/8 m.; to point of leaving Tripoli Road 9 m.; to Waterville 14 m. (6 hrs. ).

1934 AMC White Mountain Guide
Waterville Gap Trail. (W.M.N.F.)
From Woodstock the Tripoli Road, on the location of an old logging R.R., runs E. about 6 m. through Thornton Gore. This road leaves the N. and S. road on the E. side of the Pemigewasset opposite the house of E. E. Woodbury, about 1 m. N. of the Woodstock bridge and 3 m. S. of North Woodstock. It is being rebuilt by the C.C.C. as a good auto road and will ultimately replace the trail clear through to the highway in Waterville, 1m. or more S. of Waterville Inn. At present cars can go only 6 or 7 m. At 2.2 m. the road crosses Talford Brook and at 5.4 m. it passes a C.C.C. camp and the Tripoli Ranger Station. At 5.7 m. the East Pond Trail diverges L. and at 6.1 m. the Bread Tray Trail to Mt. Osceola diverges L. The old foot-path continues R. over the height-of-land, where it turns sharply to the L., and in about ½ m. strikes the headwaters of the West Branch of Mad River. In 1 ½ m. the trail passes another camp which is near the foot of the W.A.I.A. Osceola Trail. Beyond this point the way is over the W.A.I.A. Osceola Trail, reaching Waterville in about 1 2/3 m..
Distance. W. end of Tripoli Road to Waterville 11 m. (5 hrs.). 
1931 AMC map of Thornton Gap
1931 AMC map of Thornton Gap

Last updated 2011-09-05
Disclaimer: Data provided for academic and historical purposes only. Respect all signs.

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